ACET is a Company Limited by Guarantee and Registered in Northern Ireland – Number NI28825 and Registered with the Northern Ireland Charity Commission – Number NIC 101634

ACET has an elected Board of Trustees with responsibility to ensure that ACET operates to professional standards and within the law.

The Board of Trustees have appointed a Director to take responsibility for the full range of company activities, supported by a Company Secretary and Team of Community Educators and Trainers.

ACET produces Income and Expenditure Budgets on an annual basis and works to a 3 year Strategic Plan for delivery of services.

ACET has a full complement of Company Policies which are reviewed annually and has adopted the National Occupational Standards.

ACET accounts are externally audited on an annual basis and copies are available on request.

All ACET contracts held with the Public Health Agency are routinely monitored on a quarterly and year-end basis to measure effectiveness.

All ACET contracts for delivery of Community Education & Training Services are subject to Pre and Post training feedback from participants and detailed Evaluation Reports are produced providing solid evidence base of effectiveness and are available on request.